
How long does it take to reach A2 in german?

The time it takes to reach the A2 level in German typically depends on the learning method and pace. For most learners, it takes around 150 to 200 hours of study after reaching A1. If you study part-time, about 2–4 hours per week, it may take 3–6 months to complete A2. Intensive courses, like those offered by language schools or online platforms, can reduce this time to 1–2 months with 20–25 hours of study per week. Factors such as prior language experience, study consistency, and immersion in German-speaking environments can influence the time it takes to master A2-level skills.

Know more- German Language Classes in Pune
German Language Training in Pune

What is controlling area in SAP fico?

In SAP FICO, a Controlling Area is an organizational unit within a company that represents a closed system for cost accounting purposes. It is crucial for internal reporting and can encompass one or multiple company codes, enabling cross-company code cost accounting. The Controlling Area provides a framework for managing and allocating costs, planning, and monitoring internal activities. It ensures that all cost and revenue flows are tracked and reported correctly. Additionally, settings such as fiscal year variant, currency, and chart of accounts are defined at the Controlling Area level, facilitating consistent financial data across the organizational structure for effective internal control and decision-making.

Know more- SAP FICO classes in Pune
SAP FICO course in Pune